Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1 Live - Replay

    3. Audio Setup

    4. Setting up Your Lighting

    5. Video hardware, settings and techniques.

    6. Setting Up Your Webcam (white balance)

    1. Lesson 2 Live Replay V2

    2. Polls and Call to Action

    3. Webinar Formulas: The 7 Part System

    4. The 3 Act Format (A Webinar System Alternative)

    5. Creating your Presentation

    6. Archive Lesson 2 Live replay From V1

    1. Demio Replays

    2. Facebook Live and YouTube Live Integration

    3. Lesson 3 Replay (Old Version)

    4. Lesson 3 live replay

    1. Live Lesson 2 Replay V2

    2. Content Marketing: What You need to know.

    3. Email Autoresponders and CRM

    4. Archive of Lesson 4 V1

    1. Lesson 5 Replay V2

    2. Convert Your webinar Into a Podcast

    3. Mini Courses for Revenue or List Building

    4. Live Lesson 5 Replay Archive from V1

    1. Testing your internet speed

    2. Slideshows in Zoom

    3. Converting Webinar into a Podcast

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 13.5 hours of video content

About the instructor

Steve Dotto

I'm Steve Dotto! Welcome to my course page.By this point, you are probably wondering....Who is this guy? Why should I trust him? Does he even know anything about technology? My entire adult career has been spent around tech:Hosted Dotto's Data Cafe, Canada's leading tech show, from 1992-2010Wrote about tech for the Vancouver Sun and Noth Shore NewsHosted a weekly radio show about technology for 8+ yearsCreated and grew a successful Youtube channel all about technologyBuilt a successful online business from scratchSpeak at conferences around the world about technology and building an online businessEverything I share with you, I've already tried and tested myself. I don't believe in passing on unproven, second-hand information. You can find that yourself using Google. Theory will only take you this far. Every course is packed with actionable steps you can take to start making improvements straight away.